The Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station has a long record of service to the aquaculture industry. MAFES scientists study aquaculture economics, nutrition, disease, survival, pond management, processing, and food safety to ensure the industry remains profitable and productive.
The MAFES H. H. Leveck Animal Research Center aquaculture facility was founded in the 1970s, to support the research needs of the developing catfish industry. The facility, located on the MSU campus, holds a wide range of equipment for research flexibility, and includes 86 ponds, raceway tanks—which are also known as flow-through tanks—and recirculating systems. At the Delta Research and Extension Center, MAFES facilities include 257 ponds spread across 294 acres.
Research by MAFES scientists, in collaboration with USDA-ARS, is making an impact with increases of 30 to 40 percent yield from the use of hybrid catfish, the split-pond production practice, and the newly developed catfish vaccine to combat enteric septicemia.

Contact Information
National Warmwater Aquaculture Center
P.O. Box 197
Stoneville, MS 38776
Phone: 662.686.3242
Fax: 662.686.3320
Dr. David Wise, Coordinator
Brenda Santucci, Administrative Assistant